Feeling the pressure of yet more impending criminal proceedings? Why not relax with a soothing mudbath? And if the future doesn’t go the way you plan, then simply call it out – Fake Mud!

New developments require new solutions. A new release employs radical new compositional methods to deal with the emerging muddy picture. It’s nothing more than a judicial Mudbath! We live in a deeply Muddy State! It’s a Muddy Conspiracy, M8! Free the Steamy Stormy Swamp people! All hail Father Teresa! The gag order has to come off! Here we adopt the tactics of the enemy to convert bile into art.

I did nothing wrong! Why am I covered in mud like some kind of sweaty orange Mexican hippopotamus rapist? Some of them are good hippos, I presume.

Wanna make your own mudbath? Learn how to do exactly that without without the use of a sunbed or strange little googles that give you that hard-to-miss panda effect – here’s how!