Here’s what Dave Thompson at Goldmine had to say:
If you drift back over his entire career, Martin Gordon has always had an ear for experiment, weirdness, and fragmentary oddities that yowl with gleeful dissonance against the more conventional lyric- and melodicism for which he is most frequently lauded. In fact, he warned us of that fact at the dawn of his career, as Jet’s “Antler” cautioned “you have no idea how avant-garde we are.”
And we didn’t, because it didn’t get released for another thirty-odd years.
Well, there’s no escaping it this time, as Gordon celebrates a lockdown spent alone in his Berlin studio with… thirty-one tracks, none of which top a minute and a half, and most of which come in at around half that length. Time enough to say a few words, often very quickly, make an odd noise in the background, and move along.
Amusingly head-scratching, and vice-versa too, Another Words is putatively lodged somewhere between a concept album and a performance art piece… “putatively,” because Gordon’s explanatory liner notes will probably leave you even more confused than if you just listen through the CD.
But that’s probably a good thing.

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