You probably know by now that this is the Buy Now page. And if you don’t, you soon will. So, let’s get going, then.
If you are looking for a copy of OMG, you have come to the right place! Here you can securely, safely and with utmost confidence purchase one (or more) copies of OMG. And we won’t tell a soul.
Please be aware that Paypal, for it is they, will not require the deeds to your house, a piece of skin off the back of your neck, a DNA sample, the address of your bank manager’s orthodontist and the inside leg measurement of your accountant before eagerly, not to mention subserviently, processing your order. And then almost before you know it, your personal copy of OMG, complete with free lyric insert, will be speeding it’s way to you across the stormy sea.
Obviously this is something of a figure of speech, I mean if you live about three miles away, there aren’t actually any seas in between, but it makes it all rather dramatic and, to be frank, tells a story, and it is after all story-telling that it’s all about today, isn’t it.
Anyway, here you go, squire, nice one: