In 1975, the fledgling Jet stepped out with Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson for a brief UK tour. Here’s Pete McDermott’s ticket – clearly he followed instructions and retained his Portion for posterity, despite the weird leading caps. Why oh why has retaining your Portion fallen out of favour in these troubled times? I blame young people.

Hunter-Ronson tour ticket
Keep calm and retain your Portion
Tour poster
Hunter-Ronson & Jet ticket
Tim Downes also kept his ticket and, as instructed, didn’t pass out
Signed by all participants, including Blue Weaver who stepped in at the last minute (see comments below)
Tour schedule part 1

And the second part, with identification of participating parties. Nice how they differentiate between ‘artists’ and ‘band’, although they bottle out at actually identifying who belongs in which category. I know what I think.

Tour schedule part 2

More details here.

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