NOW LOOK HERE! Because here are all the words to all the Gordon tunes – everything, from Jet to Mammals and further! In a book! Like what you have to read and that.
Andy Ellison vocals, Martin Gordon bass/keys, Ian Macleod guitar, Steve Parry (Paul Simon) drums, Hermione Various the rest
Jet, by any other name. Here’s what one perceptive commentator recently noted. This was the first album from the slightly-recast Jet, and jolly damn good it was too. Carefully leaving out their almost hit ‘Dirty Pictures’, and and equally thoughtfully striking their second almost hit ‘No Russians’ from the track listing, the band defied the odds. ‘We defy you, odds!’ they would shout, literally.
Critics loved them, and the public went gaga for personal items once held by the band, including newspapers and, once, a banana. Things were looking up for our happy-go-lucky troubadours. The newspapers jumped on the vertiginous bandwagon, with prole-rousing tales about their ode to the Beast of Barnsley.
- Lyrics are here.
- Reviews here.
- Now slightly re-issued on CD by Ace Records, and also available from iTunes and other selected download outlets.
- Radio Stars (plus Jet & John’s Children) Live on Music for the Herd of Herring and Something for the Weekend.