‘Booster’ – Boris Johnsh!t
Mohammed is reputed to have said, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.” Well, that’s as maybe. The prophet who brought the gospel of Brexit to distraught British sheep-lovers was the shepherd Boris Johnsh!t.

The Turkish sheep farmer Johnsh!t was frequently avoided by his flock, who learned to mistrust his devious and self-serving ways. Not for nothing was his familiar staff termed a crook. Having failed to persuade the flock that wolves were in fact friendly benefactors wearing deceptive clothing, he finally accepted the inevitable. Turning his attentions elsewhere, this idealistic hill-dweller set his sights on conquering British society.
After many years of claiming ovis-philic tendencies, Johnsh!t declared that he was in fact a sheep-hater all along. Using the simple but effective mechanism of lying, Johnsh!t managed to convince a slim majority of British voting sheep that a return to the glory days of the British Empire was entirely possible so long as they got rid of wolves and foreigners and bought him a nice house with a reasonably-sized moat around it. And so they did, and it worked out quite well. For him, at any rate.
Peppa Pig World
The Greatest complete package (now available!)
The Greatest Sh!ts Digipack has four pages and the initial pressing comes complete with free lyric sheet, sleeve notes and promo sticker. More here.