Martin Gordon finally decides to release records under his own name. Since he made this momentous step, he has not looked back, although he will not say why. The whys and wherefores of the birth of the Mammal Era are documented here in the thrillingly-hyperventilating style so beloved of Californians and meeja peeble. For an overview of all Gordon lyrics (it’s a book), from Jet via Radio Stars and Blue Meanies, to today’s ventures, here’s Words In Your Shell-Like.
It has taken him a number of albums to get it all off his chest, and ‘Greatest Sh!ts’ is due in September 2023. The main audio pillars are:
- Greatest Sh!ts (2023)
- Another Words (2021) and Another Words – The Phonecall (2022)
- OMG (2020)
- Thanks For All the Fish (2018)
- Gilbert Gordon & Sullivan (2016)
- Include Me Out (2013)
- Time Gentlemen Please (2009)
- The World is Your Lobster (2007)
- God’s on His Lunchbreak (Please Call Back) (2005)
- The Joy of More Hogwash (2004)
- The Baboon in the Basement (2003)

And there is more
Additional audio material includes:
and the accompanying reading material:
Excerpts of the so-called Trilogy have been performed live on a number of occasions: highlights here. Fuller video documentation is on Radiant Future’s YouTube channel.
An ever-changing variety of on- and off-stage talent supports the Mammal Trilogy and the other episodes. Chris Townson drummed on parts I-IV, but thoughtlessly died before the final two parts were completed. He was reincarnated as a bench. Steven Budney and Romain Vicente recently occupied the drum stool. Pelle Almgren provided sterling vocals on the first 6 parts of the so-called Trilogy, and indeed the Swedish outing in 2011 was comprised almost entirely of Swedes. Andreas Reimer, Ralf Leeman, Mario Ferraro and Stephan Bernardes play (and have played) guitars.
And the details
- Time Gentlemen Please podcast – MG visits Mondo & Piley.
- The Mammal Trilogy has made a significant contribution to the world of art and gerbil-taunting. The South London Womens Art Collective had something to say about that, and art lovers can gain an overview via Mammals in British Art.
- More about the Mammal band.
- Behind the scenes during the Making of Time Gentlemen Please.
- More behind the scenes featuring the Polkaholix brass section.
- Stockholm June 1st 2011: a report from the Stockholm gig, with pic, video and gratis audio download here.
- Chris Townson talks about everything including Mammal events
- We are pleased to present the Illustrated Guide to God’s On His Lunchbreak (Please Call Back) Companion Volume, by Chris Townson and Martin Gordon. Chris dru the drorings, Martin rote the reading bits, like words and that.
- Mr Moose indicates that he has a large sum of money for us. The spam reality behind the song ‘Head in a Coup’ from The Joy of More Hogwash.
Dit donc, c’est le Pouf celebre. Most honoured, I’m sure.